Sunday, February 19, 2006

Goldstream Park

This week was the first week this year whiteout clouds and rain and you actually could see the sun shining. Since during the week, in my office, I only can assume that the weather is nice, because my co-workers like to have the blinds closed, I needed to get out of the house into the nature. Lucky me, that Jen had a friend visiting and both of them wanted to go hiking as well. Saturday morning, Glodstream park, up to Mt. Finlayson that was the plan.

I have to admit that I actually have never been up to Mt. Finlayson, even though the view is awesome, but for some reason people let me assume that the hike was quite difficult. Well it isn't, I am not saying it is the easiest hike ever since it is only going straight up to 419m, but it wasn't that hard. It took up about 50min to get to the top, where we had a nice picknick, which apples, maple cookies, bread and

cheese. A tea would have been nice, because it was quite chilly up there, but we didn't bring any. Next time! After an hour of relaxing at the top, we made our way down and decided to take a little detour to a little waterfall located in the park before we went home.

All together it was a very nice day outside in the sun. And after a little hike, it is not as depressing to go back to the desk for some more studying.


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