Monday, July 23, 2007

Red Card

I know I have been disappointing lazy this year regarding updating my blog. I have no real excuse for not updating my blog. It's not like nothing happened, many things happen; it's just that after working 8hours or more on the PC, I don't really have the motivation to spend more time on the PC once I am home. Anyhow, I got a red card from my blog-fan Bernd Schneider. A red card reminding me I need to update my blog. And I promise to be better blogger, if Bernd or all other blog readers reply to this blog entry within the next 2 weeks, just to ensure that there are still people reading this. So show me that you have not forgotten about this blog. And I will post one entry for each month of this year as well as more entries as the time goes by.

Thursday, November 30, 2006

Just call me Miss Master

There were points during the last three years where I believed today would never come. Days where I was trapped in my studies, looked at this huge mountain called Masters thesis and had no clue where the trail is that leads me up to the mountain top. Couple of times I had taken a wrong turn, had to turn around and walk back down or just had made a break that had been way to long enjoying the view from the mountain half way though. But then looking up to the mountain top let me think, there is no way possible that one day I will reach the top and have this meanwhile almost nightmare mountain behind me. But then again I got up and hiked or climbed one page at the time and somehow I woke up this morning, super nervous and I realized, it is there the end I could almost touch the crest. Only the defense between me and the success. Only the defense. Right only, so nervous, for sure I didn't really feel prepared for it. I mean you study for so long but then there still more papers you should have read. What if they ask me a question about this or that, will I be able to answer it or at least be able to make up some convincing s**t to pretend to know what's going on. So yes I was nervous. Luckily I had Bee, mother goose, around who made sure I ate something for breakfast and who got me a coffee, that and here is how nervous I was, I didn't actually drink. Me not finishing coffee that's just wrong... Oh well it's 9am, time to impress. So I start of with my presentation apparently I only needed 15 minutes, which is strange because when I practiced it I needed at least 19 minutes, so I wonder where the other 4 minutes went, oh well nobody cares. So the first question: "Let's start with an easy one" that's what the professor said. What does the acronym of your tool stands for, me "Uhmmmm... you mean CDAShip, well, uhmmmm it used to have a meaning... uhmmmmm...." So I don't even remember what the name used to be, well it's 2 years ago that we created it and then we have never used the real name later, I made up some stuff and that's it. Couple more questions and comments from the committee and than there it is the question of my defense that let me almost laugh out loud. "Where did you get your figures from? They are so cute" Hello, this is a master defense and not a painting competition. Oh well I think he thought I stole it from somewhere and should have referenced where I got it from, but hey they were only MS clip arts that I modified. hehe. Some more questions and 1 hour 10 minutes later it was over and I was asked to leave the room so they can decided about my future, death or alive. Actually I had a good feeling at the time, I answered most the questions and that not even in a bad way, and the fact that they stopped that early was a good sign usually a defense goes for 2 hours. So 5 minutes later I am allowed to get back into the room. Some blah blah and I passed with editorial changes, it took me like 30 minutes to realize that it means no real revisions only some cosmetic changes, and I only noticed that because Jens said I never had a student that passed with editorial changes. Now I am impressed with myself. But still it has not kicked in that I am done, done with school, I am the Master of the thesis mountain. The rest of the day I spend eating and drinking and drinking more, hehe... and now I am siting on the ferry on my way back to Van, trying to realize that I have reached the goal that I had for the last three year, the end of school, what I had hoped for for so long. I am happy, happy being done, happy having not to feel bad if I am not thesis mountain climbing on the weekend, but I also know I will miss the fun times at UVic as well and even more the people. I like to thanks everybody who has made this last three year to what they were to me, tones and tones of fun. Miss you guys already.

Like a Real Pirate

So since Wednesday I am a real pirate. Why you may ask, well I lost a piece of my tooth. Yeah right and even worst I swallowed it. I know you think I am all nuts now, but in fact it weren't nuts but rather chocolate covered coffee beans. i had a bunch in my mouth and while I was enjoying them I cracked my tooth a piece feel off and I barely noticed, well I notice it now, it's missing, the edge is sharp and it hurts like hell to brush my teeth, well maybe i can go see a dentist tomorrow morning if not I have an appointment on Tuesday anyways.

So long your pirate Crazy Christina

Thursday, November 23, 2006

Typo or How to Write in German

It is time for me to go back home and take another German lesson. It took me three tries to spell a simple German word in Andy's blog. First it was a typo, which Andy kindly pointed out and then I spelled it completely wrong, which Andy pointed out as well, but this time I could hear him laughing and now I hope I got it right. Well it's only another month till I will be on my way to good old Germany.

Wednesday, November 22, 2006

Lucky Me

I guess one could say I am a lucky person. Vancouver is the city of rain. Lately it is raining so much that the rain washed some kind of mud into our drinking water and now it is not safe to drink tab water anymore, which could be a blog entry on its own, since it was hard to find bottled water in the whole town. Anyways, back to my story. As you know I signed up for outrigger canoeing and so far it has never rained when I went out there. It’s raining all day but during our 2 hours of practice it always has been rain free. Yesterday it even rained till about 5min before we started paddling and then it stopped. I do hope that my luck will continue, since paddling in the rain is not that much fun.

Keep the fingers crossed!!!

Tuesday, November 07, 2006

Back in Vic

Finally I managed it to go and visit the crew in Victoria. It was great being back. The weather was not the best so we spent most of the time lazy on the couch watching movies and partying of course :-) On Saturday night we went to a semi-formal party, where everybody was supposed to dress up and we drank our drinks with dry ice, which in the end turned out not to be the healthiest thing. Oh well what can you do… It still looked great…

One thing that was weird was that I don’t have a key to my old home anymore. I came home from coffee with a friend and as I walked up the stairs and got my key out of my purse I noticed that I don’t have a key to my ole house anymore. So I had to ring the bell, which was weird, because I still feel like home there.

All together it was a great weekend and sooo much fun to see everybody again. Now I can’t wait for the Under-The-Sea aka. Fish Party in three weeks :-)

Wednesday, October 25, 2006

Outrigger The Day After

I have a little bit of a muscle ache, but a good one :-)