Tuesday, November 07, 2006

Back in Vic

Finally I managed it to go and visit the crew in Victoria. It was great being back. The weather was not the best so we spent most of the time lazy on the couch watching movies and partying of course :-) On Saturday night we went to a semi-formal party, where everybody was supposed to dress up and we drank our drinks with dry ice, which in the end turned out not to be the healthiest thing. Oh well what can you do… It still looked great…

One thing that was weird was that I don’t have a key to my old home anymore. I came home from coffee with a friend and as I walked up the stairs and got my key out of my purse I noticed that I don’t have a key to my ole house anymore. So I had to ring the bell, which was weird, because I still feel like home there.

All together it was a great weekend and sooo much fun to see everybody again. Now I can’t wait for the Under-The-Sea aka. Fish Party in three weeks :-)


At November 07, 2006 1:57 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oh come on...what's a little carbon dioxide poisoning.
It was nice to have you back:)

At November 07, 2006 1:59 PM, Blogger Linse said...

Hehe ask Rach, she likes carbon dioxide poisoning...

Indeed it was awesome, now I am waiting for you to come visit me here in Van!!!

At November 07, 2006 3:20 PM, Blogger RS said...

Obviously, it was the CO2.

Yeah, we're still waiting for your triumphant return to Vancouver, Jen!


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