Tuesday, September 26, 2006

Surrender the booty or houseboat goodness

Since months of working every weekend on my thesis, I finally managed to hand in a first draft and now I have “nothing” to do than wait for my professor's revisions. So I took the whole last weekend of and went with the Scurvy Dawgs on a houseboat trip. I actually don't really know how and what to tell about the weekend, there were so many little things that made the whole weekend to one of the best weekends I had this summer, if not the best.

All together we were 25 people on two houseboats. The whole party started on Friday night when slowly everybody arrived and boarded the boats and went straight into the hot tub. After we all got heated up, we went down the slide into the dark and clod water, WUHHUUUU what a fun...

The next day after breakfast a bit of cleaning and coffee, we started “sailing” away and found a nice spot on the lake to set the anchor. We went for swims in the lake, a warm up in the hot tub, a sun tan on the roof top or any other most relaxing activity. If we got bored of one location we just drove to another one. To do exactly the same, nothing than relaxing... AWESOME.

Not-Tub (not so hot tub, it broke the last day and was a little cold)

Later on we set the anchor at a beach, where we spend the night. Again, the night was spend mostly in the hot tub, you must imagine about 15people in 8 people hot tub. Very cozy :-)

After waking up from a night with not too much sleep, we noticed that one of the boats wasn't going anywhere and that we had to call a mechanic. While we were waiting for the mechanic for the other boat, our boat went a little of shore and while the others enjoyed their breakfast, we swam over and stole their canoe and their “Surrender the booty” flag, without them noticing it at all. But I guess we were fooled by them even more, since they got us back good. They managed to steal the flag back, while we were first of all mooning the other boat, facing to the flag and not seeing the thieve and even better our captain who was sitting right beside the flag and did not notice it either :-) Yep we are a great team.

All together it was an awesome weekend. As I said I can't describe how good it was. All I can say that if I think of the weekend I still have a big smile in my face, so much fun it was and also I am super relaxed now :-) I hope to be able to provide you guys with some pictures, but I have to wait till I collect them from the other pirates.

So there is nothing left to say than Yarrrrrrrrrg


At October 01, 2006 8:38 AM, Blogger Florian said...

Very nice pic (the first one). Which lake was it?

At October 01, 2006 3:39 PM, Blogger Linse said...

It was on Sprout Lake close to Port Alberni, the lake is super clear and just beautiful

At October 14, 2006 12:09 AM, Blogger Andy said...

You never sailed before when you are talking about sailing on these boats. Wait until you see my sailing pictures from Elba ;-)
Someday I will visit you and than we can sail between Vancouver Island and the mainland. Of course I will be the captain on this trip so you have to do what I am telling you during I am sitting in the sun ;-P

At October 14, 2006 11:08 AM, Blogger Linse said...

Well, I am waiting for pictures, but your blog hasn't changed since ever.

And for sure I want to go sailing with you, though we may have to talk about the conditions again, because you know that I never listen to what you tell me, haha.


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