Friday, July 07, 2006

20,92lb Of Yummy Fresh Flesh

The last 6 days I have been eating watermelon, almost with every meal. It all began when Jen and I went to Coombs and got a huge watermelon that we wanted to share with 6 other people at the beach in Parksville. But for some reason we forgot about the watermelon and took it home again, where Jen told me that she does not really like watermelon, which I don't understand, since watermelon is sooooooo yummy. So it was up to me to eat the giant thing. I started of on Sunday with my watermelon diet, which is equal to eating watermelon for breakfast, lunch as well as dinner. By Tuesday my skin turned a little pink so I decided to eat something else for a change :-) and only had watermelon for breakfast and as a desert after lunch and sometimes as midnight snack :-) This morning I finished the last piece and I found the receipt, which states that the watermelon was 20,92lb when we got it. And except of some pieces that I could distribute to Adeniyi and Jen, I ate it all. I tell you that's a lot of watermelon. But soo good, I kind of got addicted :-)


At July 09, 2006 5:08 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I should go on a similar Ben&Jerry's or Hagen Dazs diet ;)) That would be yummy!!

At July 09, 2006 7:12 PM, Blogger Linse said...

I bet that would be super yummy, but maybe not as healthy as the watermelon diet.

If you combine both diets you would at least get all the vitamins from the watermelon, which would make it more health while staying yummy.


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