Wednesday, October 25, 2006

Outrigger The Day After

I have a little bit of a muscle ache, but a good one :-)

Tuesday, October 24, 2006

Outrigger First Practise

First of all I like to point out that we're having a similar view while paddling (just replace the boats with outrigger canoes). Amazing!!! The canoes take off just on the opposite site of downtown and since practise is at 6pm and it is almost winter we have an awesome view over downtown by night is when we're taking a break from paddling, since otherwise you have to pay attention to pace of the other paddlers, in order to match up your stroke.

So how was my first practise, as you may guess it was great. After we moved the boats to the water, I got a little introduction from two more experienced paddlers and then we left. I think we were about 3 canoes with 6 people each and then two coaches in two separate canoes. Oh did I mention that when we put the canoes to water that I had to step into the water and my shoes and the bottom of my pants were already super wet, but I did buy this fancy neoprene shoes, so it was all good. Oh and I did not freeze to death as I assumed, because it was quite windy today, but I was wearing a thermo long-sleeve and a fleece, at some points I was even quite hot. So we paddled for about an hour or a little longer in sometimes quite wavy water. At first I had problems matching my stroke to the one of the others but by the end I wasn't too bad :-) The coach even said I was doing quite good for a first time paddler :-) Well and after I got home I went straight to the hot tub, oh yeah...

One-tree with Outrigger

I signed up for outrigger canoeing. And when I tried to tell my family what I am planning on doing, I did not know what an outrigger canoe is in German, so even after describing we couldn’t come up with the proper word. (Oh boy my German is getting so bad.) But thanks to Martin I know now that an outrigger canoe is a “Einbaum mit Ausleger” (One-Tree with outrigger). Because in the old days a canoe was build out of a tree :-)

Anyways, bottom line is I am super excited and I will have my first lesson tonight and hope I will not freeze to death. So in case I can still move my fingers after practice I will let you know how it was :-) So excited….

Thursday, October 19, 2006

Smart Male Parking

I just found this pic on the webpage while I was checking my mails. And I just wanted to point out that a man “parked” this car :-) So please, don’t tell me ever again that women can’t park :-)

Sunday, October 15, 2006

1018 days and 166 pages later

I sent a complete draft to my thesis committee, in less than 2 weeks I will know when I can defend :-)

Just had a bottle of wine with my roomy and a friend, so I keep this one short.

I CAN SEE THE LIGHT AT THE END OF THE TUNNEL :-) that's all I can say right now...

Thursday, October 12, 2006

Canadian Living

Yes our Balcony is almost as big as the appartment itself.