Thursday, August 03, 2006

Canadian Living

I thought I could tell you guys a little bit about my future living situation. Since I am moving to Vancouver in a month, I spent the last weekend looking for a place to live. Thank god, that Bee and Iryna, my independent consultants, joined me otherwise I probably would have started crying, so many bad, dirty and dark places.. uahhh...

Anyways, in the end I found two places that I could see myself living in and where I liked the people too. I ended up choosing an 3 bedroom (well it's more like 2,5 bedroom) apartment in downtown Vancouver, which is only 1km away from my work, walking distance YEAH!!! I will have a guy and a girl roomie, who seem to be lots of fun. The apartment has a huge patio, a decent size living room, only the bedrooms are quite small, so I will have to see how I get all my stuff in there :-) BUT did I mention that the apartment building has a swimming pool, a hot tub and a gym. I basically can fall out of my bed into the pool.

Here a summary, cool roomies, many BBQs on the patio, pool, gym, hot tub, walking distance to work, crawling distance home from any downtown bar/pub/club, close to English Bay and Stanley Park. Sounds Great to me!!!!!!!!!!!!!


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