Friday, June 30, 2006

Berlin Berlin we're going to Berlin

I am not a huge soccer fan, but boy was I shaking during todays Germany vs. Argentina game. I actually just stopped shaking a couple of minutes ago. What an excitement.

I am kind of sad that I am not back home right now. Germany is going nuts. Anz just called me and all I could hear is cars honking and people screaming and partying. Amazing atmosphere. Boy I wanna be home too. But here in Canada we are following the world cup as well, we even get up early and skip school to see the games. This morning there were a bunch of people cheering and shaking with me for Germany, almost nobody was cheering for Argentina. YEAH GO GERMANY GO.

Berlin here we come!!!

Tuesday, June 27, 2006

Like a Monkey

Finally the consultants office moved to the new building as well. The new office is super nice, I love the chairs here. They are kind of bouncy. But since Brad broke the key to the counter windows, I feel even more like a monkey, sitting behind a closed window and everybody can see me. I am just waiting for people to come and bring me a banana... uhh uuhh ah ah ahhe

Monday, June 26, 2006

New Roomie With Super Powers

Please meet our new roomie! He is about half of our size, but therefore he has super powers!!! Super-roomie will share the room with Russ, since they are best friends already.

Saturday, June 24, 2006


I just dropped off my brother and Martin at the ferry. It's incredible how fast the tree weeks that they have been in Canada went by. It seems like yesterday when I picked them up at the airport in Vancouver. But the three weeks were super fun filled with many adventures and joys. I am glad they came all the way to visit me. It's just another few month till I am going home and will see them again. Till then thanks for the great time here and I will miss you much.

He is back

Since yesterday I have my little Pepe back and that's awesome. We already went for a ride yesterday and chances are that we will go for a ride today as well. It's sooooooo great having him back and he is all shiny too. Just love him!

Wednesday, June 21, 2006

US TV and soccer

So I am sitting in my office and while working I am watching the Argentina vs. Netherlands soccer game on the whiteboard. The program is from a US TV station and even though USA is not playing right now, the commentator does not stop talking about the US team. Shut up, you stupid commentator, USA is most likely going home tomorrow anyways, so who cases about USA...

Go Netherlands Go

Tuesday, June 20, 2006

1 Grandma, 2 police cars, 1 Ambulance and 1 Fire Department Truck

What a perfect day for a bike-ride/coffee downtown. I tell you Dallas Road here in Victoria is so pretty, especially on a sunny day. Anyways, to my story. I am waiting outside for a friend when I hear this big bang. I turned around and just saw one of the parking cars making a big jump forward and another one driving over the sidewalk and parking meter into the acre. We quickly run over, to see whether the person in the car was alright. The little grandma already got out of the car, totally confused, since she had no clue what was going on. Apparently when she tried to start the car, it all of a sudden jumped forward, over a parking meter and into the acre. Oh and on the way it hit the car that was parked in front of her car. I have no real clue what she did and how she did that. However, one of the pedestrians called the police, which then appeared with one small car, one big car, there was an ambulance and just when we wanted to leave there turned the fire department truck around the corner. One could say that is a little much for a small confused grandma that just run over a parking meter. But then I am glad that they take so much care of the crime in Victoria.

Friday, June 16, 2006

Not Even Here

I have to apply for a new study and work permit so that I can stay in Canada a little longer. Just right now I was copying all my documents for the application and they are requiring a copy of the stamp of the last entry to Canada. So I am searching my passport and there is no stamp. NO STAMP. So quasi I am not even here in Canada. I am just a ghost wondering around... Buuuuhhhhhhhhh

Wednesday, June 14, 2006

Soccer Fever

Just in time for the second Germany game Adeniyi and I rearranged our office to a soccer fan club office, playing soccer games on the projector, while we are working, so we won't miss a thing! Great. Now Germany only has to win...

Update 1:52pm: Game over. Germany won 1:0. Yeah, exciting game and we had to wait till the 91st min to see a goal. What an exciting office day.

Tuesday, June 13, 2006

Canada's Highest Falls

It was Friday June 9th and three brave Germans were on the way to see Canada's highest waterfalls. Before continuing may I introduce the crew. First of all we have Martin the Path Finder, who finds the smallest footprints in the snow to guide us to our destination, then there is Andy the Node King, who is able to tie the tightest nodes into whatever you can tie a node into and last but not least there is me the Mountain Goat, who hikes up the mountain so fast like there would be no elevation at all.

Path Finder, Node King and Mountain Goat

The crew arrived at 6pm the Ark Resort, which is close to Port Alberni. By the time Rosi, our boats captain, was done telling us more or less funny jokes and ready to drive us across the Great Central Lake to the trail head it was already 7pm. An hour later we were there, far away for civilizations, at our luxurious campsite, luxurious because it had the best pit toilette ever (Note: the flush does not work, so don't even try :-) ) Since it was already quite late and we hikers didn't manage to have lunch nor dinner yet we sat down and enjoyed our last non-dehydrated food for the next 3 days. After we finished our Subway Sandwiches it was already time to build up the tent that we bored from a friend of mine. It was now that we realized that the tent we bored was not a 3 people tent as we assumed, no it was a 2 people tent. So can imagine how cosy it got during the night, especially for me in my -12C sleeping bag in the middle of the two guys. I was just boiling. Whereas Node Kind in his better bed sheet (that's how I would call his sleeping bag) was freezing, well just on the side where I was not sleeping.

After a more or less good sleep and 1000 mosquito bites we woke up the next morning had a yummy breakfast and started hiking. The trail starts off easy and flat, but quite muddy, well what can you expect from hiking in BC. Approximately 1¾ hours into our hike we saw the first little bit of snow, brrr, no it was actually not that cold and since there was a nice spot on the river we decided to take a small break to tank some energy. Another 2 hours into the hike and after a second sun-bath-get-energy-break we met the only two people that were on the trail with us. For sure there were Germans as well :-) However they were there only for the day, so the rest of the time it was only the three of us in the forest. If you think about it a actually a quite scary thought being the only on in the forest. I mean if the bear really feels like eating a human, he won't have a choice and will have to eat you. But we will leave that thought behind. The two other Germans already told us that they were not able to see the campsite we wanted to take and that another 100m into the hike the snow really starts and more or less everything was covered in snow. We still went ahead, but also had to realize that we couldn't find the campsite underneath all the snow. So we had to turn around in order to find a nice spot to sleep in our cozy 2 people tent.

The next morning was the day of the falls and since we needed

to go back to the same spot where we spent the last night, we decided to leave our stuff there and pick it up on the way back. But as experienced bear-county-backpacker
you know that you can't leave your food or other stuff some where without hanging it on a tree. So Node King and Path Finder did a good job hanging our food as well as two backpacks bear proof in the middle of the hiking trail. And now we were ready to go, through the snow. Soon we noticed that the snow gives us two little problems. First of all you needed to watch out that you don't break through the

snow, since sometimes it was hollow underneath the snow. Breaking though the snow can cause injuries that have to be treated seriously. And second of all and that was the bigger problem, if everything

is covered in snow, there are no signs to show us the way. But that's where Path Finder Martin came handy and was able to guide us to the base camp of the Della Falls, where we had another

break before we set off to the Love Lake, from which you apparently have the best view to the falls. The way up to Love Lake is quite steep (not that snowy though) and I was thankful not having to carry my backpack , especially when we had to cross a creek, whom's bridge was washed away from the snow and that would have taken you down hill in case you slip. About half way up, there was snow on the way again and soon we could only guess where the way actually leads to and we decided that it was too dangerous to hike further. So we enjoyed the view to the falls from there and had another long break before we went back.

Della Falls

Since we didn't want to sleep in the middle of the hiking trail again we picked up or stuff at the place were we camped the night before and hiked another 5 km to the next real campsite, where we had a fresh “bath” in the river filled with glacier water. Brrr that was super freaking freezing cold Brrr.

The next day we only had a 8km easy hike back to the trail head, which we managed in 2 hours. We got the 3 hours before the water taxi was picking us up and so we had some time to hang out on the jetty. The sun was shining and so we all put on the 30+ Sudanese sunscreen, which helped as much as no sunscreen at all. But we tried no to get sun burned, that's all that counts. At 2:10pm Rosi was back to pick us up and once we were sitting in the boat it started to rain, what a timing, since we didn't see any rain during our hole trip.

All together it was an awesome trip, with lots and lots of fun. I recommend you to do the trail, but also I recommend you to take really water proof shoes with you, don't forget the mosquito spray and if you have the chance do the trail at the end of the summer, since then chances are there there s not as much snow and you will be able to find the actually trail, but actually having all the snow was fun as well.

More pictures can be found at

Without Words, But Tears In My Eyes

Friday, June 09, 2006

Poor Pepe

It's 1:50am and I slept 5,5, hours last night, so I will try to keep this story as short as possible. I lend my nice little Pepe (for everybody who does not know Pepe is my car) to my brother and Martin, so that they can go camping to the Juan de Fuca trail. They on Monday and parked Pepe at China Beach. They were supposed to come back tonight. Around 6:30pm my cell was ringing and Martin called me. I wasn't able to answer the phone in time so he left a message on the answering machine. “Hello Christina, we just arrived at China Beach and your car is not there anymore.” This is when my heart stopped beating. He further “we assume it has been towed...” For sure non of them had a cell phone so I couldn't call them back. You can't imagine how I was feeling, plus I was working in the consultants office and couldn't leave the place even though nobody showed up. I was glad that Russ and later Adeniyi stopped by and kept me company even if I wasn't the nicest person to be around with. Later on the guys called again, and I got a hold of the towing company. “Yes, your car has been towed, because of vandalism” Oh no poor Pepe. Unfortunately the lady on the phone could not tell me what the damage on the car was. So more waiting until the two truck driver called. It all went so fast, all I understood is that somebody tried to break into and steal Pepe and two other cars on the parking lot. That my door is completely damaged and that the steering column is damaged/broken or whatever. Fact is I need a new one. Did I mention that it will take 2 weeks to get the car fixed? So I was supposed to call the insurance. I spend another 30 min on the phone with the insurance lady. Fortunately, it's all covered, except of 300$ deduction, but the insurance does not go up. Phew... Further they told me to call the police, by now it's 8:45pm and the police in Sooke (that's where Pepe is) is closed. Yep, no crime in Sooke after 6pm... Tomorrow morning (if all goes well) I will have to drive up to Sooke to see how Pepe is and also to get a courtesy car. This means I will miss the first soccer world cup game and I invited everybody for breakfast, oh no... But I am sure everybody can have breakfast without me.

Yep, that was my excitement of the day. I tell you the 4 hours consultants office never went by so fast. I was just glad Russ and Adeniyi were there, otherwise I would have just gone crazy.

Thursday, June 08, 2006

It's living

I just removed a key from my keyboard,... bad idea..., it seems like my keyboard could be able to walk by itself due to all the macro-micro-organisms.

Well it gives me something to do for my consultants office shift tonight. Tomorrow you will see a super shiny keyboard on my desk. That is in case I am able to put the keyboard back together after cleaning....

UPDATE: It's clean and shiny now!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Monday, June 05, 2006


All last week the weather was not the best, but just in time for our weekend trip the sun was shining so that Jen, Bee and I could spend the ferry ride to Vancouver outside on the deck. What a beautiful start into an awesome weekend and just the right way to forget about any stress. It's about 8:30pm and we are finally at Iryna's place, where we celebrated our reunion (Bee, Iryna and I haven't had a evening together since almost year). After a bottle of wine and some gossip we were on the way downtown to meet the rest of our crew. It happened that my friends Claudi and Micha from Germany were in town as well, and then there were also the friends of Jen, so we ended up being over 10 people, which was not as easy to coordinate, but once we found a good pub, we were all set and had a very fun night.

After not enough sleep and a nice breakfast Claudi and I went for some sightseeing. Unfortunately, Micha couldn't join us, since had some kind of a stomach flu and didn't sleep at all the night before. But so Claudi and I had some time to catch up with some girls talk while walking along the ocean at English Bay. It was a very nice and sunny day and I even got to see new things of Vancouver as well. Did you know that they have heron nest in Stanley park? I didn't, but they do and they have lots. We tried to count only the herons in one tree and there where at least 7 of them. (At least because I actually can't count higher than 7, but don't tell anybody)

After more sightseeing, girls talk and coffee, I headed of to the airport to pick up my bother and Martin, who finally came to Canada to visit me. Yeah, I was already super excited since weeks. For sure their plane was delayed, how could it be that my brother gets somewhere on time. Well I assume due to Martin's good influence the guys managed to be out of the airport withing 40min after the plane arrived. And to my surprise both of them made a happy dance for me when they saw me. (You know the happy dance I always do and boy, they are two good happy dancers. So imagine 3 people at the airport doing the happy dance. Funny picture, I bet.) After dropping of the bags at Iryna's place we went for dinner to the neighbourhood pub and reminisced about good old times. The next morning we all went for breakfast again. Even Jimmy made it to the breakfast to see Martin again.

Back in Victoria I challenged both of the guys for a round of tetherball and hihi I won :-D It was not easy but I won. However Andy analyzed the game and discovered my strategy, hehe, but I know that you should stop when you are on a high, that's why I stopped after I won the first games. Hihi I am so smart :-)

I tell you it is great having the guys here. They are so much fun. Unfortunately for me, Lucky for them, they left this morning for the Juan de Fuca trail. I am looking forward to hear their stories on Thursday night and even more I am looking forward to go backpacking with them on Friday.