Friday, June 09, 2006

Poor Pepe

It's 1:50am and I slept 5,5, hours last night, so I will try to keep this story as short as possible. I lend my nice little Pepe (for everybody who does not know Pepe is my car) to my brother and Martin, so that they can go camping to the Juan de Fuca trail. They on Monday and parked Pepe at China Beach. They were supposed to come back tonight. Around 6:30pm my cell was ringing and Martin called me. I wasn't able to answer the phone in time so he left a message on the answering machine. “Hello Christina, we just arrived at China Beach and your car is not there anymore.” This is when my heart stopped beating. He further “we assume it has been towed...” For sure non of them had a cell phone so I couldn't call them back. You can't imagine how I was feeling, plus I was working in the consultants office and couldn't leave the place even though nobody showed up. I was glad that Russ and later Adeniyi stopped by and kept me company even if I wasn't the nicest person to be around with. Later on the guys called again, and I got a hold of the towing company. “Yes, your car has been towed, because of vandalism” Oh no poor Pepe. Unfortunately the lady on the phone could not tell me what the damage on the car was. So more waiting until the two truck driver called. It all went so fast, all I understood is that somebody tried to break into and steal Pepe and two other cars on the parking lot. That my door is completely damaged and that the steering column is damaged/broken or whatever. Fact is I need a new one. Did I mention that it will take 2 weeks to get the car fixed? So I was supposed to call the insurance. I spend another 30 min on the phone with the insurance lady. Fortunately, it's all covered, except of 300$ deduction, but the insurance does not go up. Phew... Further they told me to call the police, by now it's 8:45pm and the police in Sooke (that's where Pepe is) is closed. Yep, no crime in Sooke after 6pm... Tomorrow morning (if all goes well) I will have to drive up to Sooke to see how Pepe is and also to get a courtesy car. This means I will miss the first soccer world cup game and I invited everybody for breakfast, oh no... But I am sure everybody can have breakfast without me.

Yep, that was my excitement of the day. I tell you the 4 hours consultants office never went by so fast. I was just glad Russ and Adeniyi were there, otherwise I would have just gone crazy.


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