Monday, June 05, 2006


All last week the weather was not the best, but just in time for our weekend trip the sun was shining so that Jen, Bee and I could spend the ferry ride to Vancouver outside on the deck. What a beautiful start into an awesome weekend and just the right way to forget about any stress. It's about 8:30pm and we are finally at Iryna's place, where we celebrated our reunion (Bee, Iryna and I haven't had a evening together since almost year). After a bottle of wine and some gossip we were on the way downtown to meet the rest of our crew. It happened that my friends Claudi and Micha from Germany were in town as well, and then there were also the friends of Jen, so we ended up being over 10 people, which was not as easy to coordinate, but once we found a good pub, we were all set and had a very fun night.

After not enough sleep and a nice breakfast Claudi and I went for some sightseeing. Unfortunately, Micha couldn't join us, since had some kind of a stomach flu and didn't sleep at all the night before. But so Claudi and I had some time to catch up with some girls talk while walking along the ocean at English Bay. It was a very nice and sunny day and I even got to see new things of Vancouver as well. Did you know that they have heron nest in Stanley park? I didn't, but they do and they have lots. We tried to count only the herons in one tree and there where at least 7 of them. (At least because I actually can't count higher than 7, but don't tell anybody)

After more sightseeing, girls talk and coffee, I headed of to the airport to pick up my bother and Martin, who finally came to Canada to visit me. Yeah, I was already super excited since weeks. For sure their plane was delayed, how could it be that my brother gets somewhere on time. Well I assume due to Martin's good influence the guys managed to be out of the airport withing 40min after the plane arrived. And to my surprise both of them made a happy dance for me when they saw me. (You know the happy dance I always do and boy, they are two good happy dancers. So imagine 3 people at the airport doing the happy dance. Funny picture, I bet.) After dropping of the bags at Iryna's place we went for dinner to the neighbourhood pub and reminisced about good old times. The next morning we all went for breakfast again. Even Jimmy made it to the breakfast to see Martin again.

Back in Victoria I challenged both of the guys for a round of tetherball and hihi I won :-D It was not easy but I won. However Andy analyzed the game and discovered my strategy, hehe, but I know that you should stop when you are on a high, that's why I stopped after I won the first games. Hihi I am so smart :-)

I tell you it is great having the guys here. They are so much fun. Unfortunately for me, Lucky for them, they left this morning for the Juan de Fuca trail. I am looking forward to hear their stories on Thursday night and even more I am looking forward to go backpacking with them on Friday.


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