Sunday, February 26, 2006

Best News Ever

Today I got a phone call from my loveliest friend Martin and he told me that him and my brother booked their flight and are coming to visit me and all of Martin's friends (he is already well known here in Canada). I am sooooo excited. Could do my happy dance all day long, but I guess that would make really dizzy (Ahhh who cares about dizziness, lalalala).

So they are coming for about 3 weeks, although I will probably only see them for a short time, since they are planing on travelling and I don't have the time to go with them :-( But they promised to spend couple of days here in Victoria and I guess I will go and pick them up in Vancouver when they are arrive and we will have a big reunion party there, since it turns out that on the first weekend that they are here, my other two friends from Germany, who are visiting me in May, will still be here as well. I can't wait till summer...

Time to say Good-Bye

It has been over two years now that I have been living with Jimmy and last Friday he moved out. He spontaneously decided to move to Vancouver. Well maybe not that spontaneous, since he was thinking about it since about 2 years, but still so far he never did it. So far every time he said “I may move to Van” I only though he is just talking and won't do it anyways, but I guess I was wrong. It makes me sad seeing his empty room, not having him lying on the couch watching TV and knowing that another good friend just moved away. Moving away from Victoria seems to be a trend and I actually think I could need a change as well, but first I gotta finish school.

Jimmy, I wish you all the best and keep in touch!!!

Wednesday, February 22, 2006

Happy Birthday Papa

Today is my dad's birthday. Well first of all HAPPY BIRTHDAY DAD.

On days like today I notices how far away from home I am and that I do miss my family a lot. I mean all I want to do today is sit on my dad's lap and take my hand and tousle his hair. Hihi, he does not really like if I do that, not that it would make a difference to his hair style, since his hair is so short anyways, but every time I do this he always says with a little grumpy voice “You are not supposed to do this!” and approx. 0.5 seconds later he is smiling like a Cheshire cat, which shows me that he actually does like it and makes me do the whole thing again. Hihi. But I am not home to do so. However, I will catch up with things like this next time I see him and till then I think my little sister is doing a good job as my substitution. (Krümel, next time you see dad, you know what to do, deal?!)

Sunday, February 19, 2006

Goldstream Park

This week was the first week this year whiteout clouds and rain and you actually could see the sun shining. Since during the week, in my office, I only can assume that the weather is nice, because my co-workers like to have the blinds closed, I needed to get out of the house into the nature. Lucky me, that Jen had a friend visiting and both of them wanted to go hiking as well. Saturday morning, Glodstream park, up to Mt. Finlayson that was the plan.

I have to admit that I actually have never been up to Mt. Finlayson, even though the view is awesome, but for some reason people let me assume that the hike was quite difficult. Well it isn't, I am not saying it is the easiest hike ever since it is only going straight up to 419m, but it wasn't that hard. It took up about 50min to get to the top, where we had a nice picknick, which apples, maple cookies, bread and

cheese. A tea would have been nice, because it was quite chilly up there, but we didn't bring any. Next time! After an hour of relaxing at the top, we made our way down and decided to take a little detour to a little waterfall located in the park before we went home.

All together it was a very nice day outside in the sun. And after a little hike, it is not as depressing to go back to the desk for some more studying.

Roommates fighting

I gotta admit this story is already a little old. However, it is so great that it deserves a blog entry.

It all began with the arrival of my new DVD drive and the fact that my lovely roomie Russell threw all the little Styrofoam pieces that once protected my DVD drive on my bed. So I picked them all up and brought them secretly into Russell's room underneath his blanket. Because I though that was quite funny and I couldn't stop laughing, he found them pretty soon. “That's it. We are fighting!!!” was his only comment. Later on the night, Russ was taking a shower I found the Styrofoam in a box on the kitchen table. Boy, he made it easy for me. So the Styrofoam pieces went back into his bed, but thins time I made sure he wouldn't find them before he went to bed.

The next morning, Jen actually got up 30min earlier than usual and as always she is having her morning coffee, freshly brewed from our automatic coffee machine, which Jen carefully prepared the night before. To her surprise the coffee had a little more salt in it than usual. Actually I have to say that usually it is me who gets the first coffee, but not that day. I guess I was lucky and Russell's revenge did not hit me. Though I felt bad for Jen. Not to mention that we are still fighting.

So three days later, Russell already announced that I will be surprised once I get home. Well I knew he was planning a revenge and I knew that he has cool ideas, but what I saw when I got home, was incredible. He spend all afternoon in my room, creation a web out of yarn. The yarn was everywhere, around my bed, under my bed, in my pillow, around and in the closet and the blinds, at the desk, around the hairdryer that was lying on the floor, the lamp and just everywhere. Just awesome. For everybody, who cannot imagine this incredible web, here a picture.

So it took me over an hour to take the whole yarn down, and actually if I would have been able to sleep I would have left that master piece for couple more days.

But I learn my lesson, don't “fight” with a roommate that has more fantasy and time than you do :-) Even though it is more than fun.

I'm blogging

Okay, during the last years I have tried to keep you up-to-date using my newsletter, but as you may have noticed, I failed big time. Now I decide to find another way to tell you what's going on here in Victoria. So please keep your fingers crossed that this works better :-) and feel free to kick my butt if it does not. Martin, I know you are already good in doing so.