Monday, March 27, 2006

One Leg Cosmic Bowling

Since about 4 weeks Jen and I were planning to surprise Russell at his job at the bowling alley in Nanaimo. This Saturday we finally managed to do so. Since Nanaimo is 1,5 hours away, which is kind of far just to go bowling, we decided to discover the island before bowling. Lionel was the only one who was brave enough to join us on our tour and he volunteered to be our Chauffeur. I know we girls are spoiled :-)

11am and who was not ready to leave, me, oh well so we were leaving 10min later, who cared we had time and after all it was supposed to be a relaxed day. The weather was great and the sun was shining just for us, well maybe not just for us, but I like to believe so. First stop view point of the Malahat, which offered us an awesome view over the “Strait of Georgia”. By now it was past noon and our little stomachs wanted some food :-) How convenient that Lionel’s parents work at a sushi place in Mill Bay. So next stop Mill Bay, for some fresh prepared and absolutely delicious sushi. Thanks again to Lionel’s parents. With super stuffed bellies and a happy feeling we drove further to Ladysmith and the Parksville, where we hung out at the beach for some tanning :-) It’s quite amazing to sit at the beach and see the snow covered mountains on the other side of the bay. Our last stop before bowling was the Old Country Market in Coombs. Usually they have goats on the roof of the market, but I guess there weren’t enough people for the goats to show up, so no goats, but an awesome coffee latte. Mhhh, this coffee was first of all huge and then covered with little white and brown chocolate pieces, yummy yummy. And after the huge coffee and some sweets, Jen and I were bouncing around on our sugar hype. Just the right time for bowling! Well it did take us an hour to find the bowling alley. Russ could have been a little more specific and mention the name of the bowling alley more often or at least at times were Jen and I weren’t drunk and actually could have paid attention to what he said. However, we found it and Russ was quite surprised seeing us. We even were allowed to go in the back of the bowling lane and he explained us how things work… After chatting with Russ and 2 Shirley Temple Deluxe (this fantastic drink is the adult version of a regular Shirley Temple) it was finally time to bowl! We just needed to put on this really stylish bowling shoes, well Jen only got one, but therefore her cast was glowing nicely in the UV light, which was basically the only thing that was glowing, since we all forgot about cosmic bowling and were wearing mostly black… Anyhow, to give Jen a fair chance we created a special I-Bowl-With-Broken-Ankle-Rule: everybody has to bowl on one leg. I tell you, it is not that easy to bowl on only one leg, but surprisingly I was not that much worst than I usually am. However, I was not able to make such an awesome strike as Jen did. I am afraid to go bowling with her when she does not have her cast anymore, she probably will kick my butt big time. Since bowling on one leg is quite exhausting we only played one game and decided to eat something at the bowling alley. Well Russ should have told us that usually nobody eats there and that the poor 16years old guy, who prepared our food, didn’t have any kitchen experience, which is the reason why it took him 3 attempts to cook my chicken fingers (first one not done, second one burned, third one yummy). Stuffed and relaxed we headed back to Victoria.

I posted some more pics on my webpage.


At March 27, 2006 10:36 PM, Blogger Andy said...

I can't believe it, you was 10 minutes to late? Be sure, I will remember on this if you are shouting at me next time, when I am only one minute to late ;-P

At March 28, 2006 10:04 AM, Blogger Linse said...

Till summer you will have forgotten this and I will be able to complain again that you are never ready on time :-)


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