Tuesday, April 04, 2006

Men Think Like Mammoths, Women Don’t

I went to see the movie “Ice Age The Meltdown” last Sunday, which btw is really funny and I enjoyed it a lot. Don’t worry I won’t tell much about the movie, in case you haven’t seen it yet. But the baseline is that the icebergs and the polar ice cap are melting and the water levels rise, a temperate climate begins to emerge, and the animals begin a long trek to save themselves from drowning. There is said to be a hollow log at the end of the valley, in which they can float to safety. On the way to the log Manny, the mammoth, and co. are meeting Ellie, who is also a mammoth, but believes to be a possum. Anyways I said I won’t tell you much about the movie itself, you should go and watch it. But in one scene Manny is hitting on Ellie the conversation is similar to this:

Manny: For a mammoth you are very pretty.
Ellie (smiling): Really, what do you think is beautiful?
Manny (shyly): Hmmm, your butt.
Ellie: What is with my butt?
Manny: It’s HUGE!
Ellie (blushing, smiling): Oh, you are just saying that…
*both walk happily away, together*

Okay, I have to admit that the whole scene was quite cute, since both of them were super shy and have no experience with flirting at all. However, I just want to let you guys (and I actually mean men here) that even if you may sometimes think like a mammoth and you think it is a complement to tell some girl that her butt is huge that chances are you get slapped. Because and that is 100% sure women do not think like mammoths!

That’s all I have to say today and now guys and girls go out and flirt like there is no tomorrow, but remember don’t be a mammoth!


At April 13, 2006 11:33 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

what's a possum?

At April 13, 2006 12:28 PM, Blogger Linse said...

A possum is a "Fuchskusu" (in German) How can you not know? Such an important animal...

Okay to be honest it's quite ugly, looks like a rat, which is the reason why I think it's better not to know that they exists, aaaahhhh...

have a look here http://opossum.craton.net/


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