Thursday, May 11, 2006


This term I am TAing as a consultant in the CSC consultants office. I have to work 12 hours a week, divided into 3 shift. You do the math!

My first shift on Tuesday was alright. The first 1,5 hours I spent with getting to know the system and chit-catting with Derek, who works 2 doors beside the consultants office and showed me how the cat is jumping here. The rest of the my shift I spent with writing emails and chatting on MSN, since nobody needed to be consulted. Except of maybe 2 people that needed to add pages to their printing account.

The next shift on Wednesday was a little more fun, since a friend of mine, who also works in the consultants office and had the morning shift, showed me how to play hacky sack with a Gender Bender (well actually called Gender Changer, but Gender Bender sounds way better and no it's nothing kinky, it's only a geeky CSC thingy, see picture). BTW that is what he did during the first 3 hours of his shift. So we practised a little bit and chatted until his shift was over and I went back to writing emails, searching the web, talking to other friends that stopped by and yes helped the one or two students that again needed printing pages.

My last shift for this week is almost over (another 7min) and you see I am working hard(ly). Score of today's shift 2 students needed to get printing pages, 1 student wanted to know how to access his files from home and 1 question was about java applets. All together that makes 4 people in 4 hours, but 3 of them came at the same time. Excitement of my shift was filling up the paper in the printers and of course some more Gender-Bender-Hacky-Sack practise, so I can show off next Wednesday. But I was clever this time and got some reading for my thesis :-) So I didn't waste all of the 4 hours. And yes it sounds like a super easy job, but I am sure next week, when assignments are due, I will be working hard(er).


At May 12, 2006 2:23 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ahh, that's a gender bender! And I thought it is something funny...

At May 12, 2006 2:36 PM, Blogger Linse said...

Get your mind out of the gutter, young man!

BTW it becomes funny if you play Hacky Sack with it.


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