Thursday, May 04, 2006

The Tournament

Finally we managed mount the tetherball to the pole. Well I should be honest it was Glen, the tetherball guru, who climbed on a shopping cart in order to put the ball up. I really appreciate this brave exploit, because if I would have tried it I probably would have fall of the cart and break at least one bone or two...

The ball was up. A quick warm up, consisting of one or two happy jump(s), and the games could begin. I (super excited) got quite scared of the ball. I tell you Glen is a real Pro and hits the ball real' hart, which results in the fact that I was more hiding from the ball than actually playing the game... But I am not afraid and soon I figured out how to hit the ball, if it didn't fly so high that I couldn't reach it... First and second game were over and guess who won! Right, not me. Hmmm whom could I challenge next? Maybe a

Me hiding from the ball.

Non-Canadian, so I would have a slight chance. So I picked Wenbo, since Wenbo never played the game before, he right away threw the ball in my face, well I could have moved beside, but somehow I didn't realize that the ball was flying into my face till it actually hit my lip and my nose... Since I am not a wimp I still played the game, what did you expect from a real tetherball wannabe-pro. And surprisingly I won. Yeah Yeah. Shortly after the game, I bent down and my nose started bleeding. I knew that hit in the face was going to have consequences, but it's all good I won a game, that's all that matters for now :-)

Me doing a happy dance after a won my first tetherball game :-)

The rest of the night we spent with BBQing, eating, talking and yes for sure more tetherball... I have to admit that the game is more fun and more exhausting than I thought, I was laughing all the time and so were all the people that saw me trying to hit the ball.

More picture of the Big Event are posted on my webpage.


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